Recent Press
GIZMODO Wood, Salt, and Wonder: The Renewable Future of 3D Printing
Ronald Rael 2 May 2013
"That “other direction” is organic and renewable: salt harvested from San Francisco Bay, wood pulp, and clay. Using a standard powder-based 3D printer, they and their students have figured out how to print bricks, components, and furniture using recyclable materials. What does 3D-printed wood look like? Weirdly realistic: it has a faux grain, simply because of the layered printing process. The salt, meanwhile, looks like “solid milk,” to borrow Rael’s words. Shockingly, it’s all super strong, thanks to reinforcement techniques developed in-house—their printed cement is actually stronger than standard stuff. But most importantly? It’s 90% less expensive that current 3D printing technology."
FuturesPlus.net reFUSE
Anthony M. Giannini 7 August 2012
"Today we have an exclusive post from Anthony at UC Berkeley. Anthony’s project takes on a lot of different issues, but with a very astute and open mind. Dealing with the ever increasing garbage problem in the world, Anthony developed a way to use waste paper and plastic as building materials in a very unique way, utilizing a 3d printer. Take a look at Anthony’s unique and interesting solution to a growing problem."
Arqa.com Material Intelligence
Anthony Giannini & Pablo Zunzunegui 12 August 2012
"The idea of achieving a comprehensive design project, using a multi-prerogative material (containing more than one edge) to serve as structure and skin at the same time."

LogoGala.com LABAMG Logo
Anthony Giannini 6 August 2012
LABAMG logo featured in the logogala.com inspiration gallery.